

April 2022 Update

It’s Been ONE YEAR In Puerto Rico!

Can you believe it? It has been one year since we landed in Puerto Rico from Texas. Time has gone by fast! But, the Lord hasn’t wasted any time. So much has happened since we arrived. And, He continues to show His faithfulness every day. 

Watch our update and learn how the Lord is opening doors within the mayor’s office. The keys to the abandoned property are a reach away! 

March 2022 Update

A Major Connection Was Made Today

Today, we had the honor and blessing to meet with the mayor’s office of Arecibo. We could not have asked for a better meeting. The objective of this meeting was to present our proposal of A Puerto Rican Dream. This proposal discussed our plan to open the Dream Center Esperanza in Arecibo. The center will be a hub of resources that will provide free resources to families living addiction, abuse, and poverty. But, most importantly, the proposal included a request to the municipality to give us the keys to an abandoned school. 

We ended the meeting encouraged and hopeful as the director was in complete agreement with our proposal and stated, “Arecibo needs this!” 

Next steps will include the director promoting our proposal to the mayor which she believes he too will be in agreement. If approved, we then move into formal legal processes. 

Please continue to pray for us and the mission. And, thank you for your prayers and support! 

Interested in Supporting the Mission?

As we continue to move forward with the plans of God for this mission, new and growing financial needs present themselves. If you believe the Lord is leading you or you have a desire to support this mission, please use the button below to start your support today with a one-time or monthly support. 

July/ Aug Update

Teaching ESL to Teens

After taking a month off, the Boy’s and Girls Club has asked us to return and become a regular ESL program to the teens! Good things are happening.

Helping a Mom in Need

Through the relationships we are making with the teens at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club, we are finding areas of need and trusting God to fill it. Listen to how God multiplied the only $20 a mother had to her name.

Claiming a School Campus In Jesus Name

Recently, we had the opportunity to visit a campus we are claiming. As a team, we stood on the property and began to pray for the Lord to give us the keys! After watching the video, click the link to watch the recorded LIVE prayer.

Say Hello to Our 1st Intern

It was a pleasure to host Arianna Allen. She stayed with us for two weeks and was a blessing to the mission in several ways. Listen to how she impacted the future generation.

We Are Seeing God’s Fingerprint Everywhere

We would like to say THANK YOU to all of you who support us financially and/or prayerfully. Your support means so much. Be encouraged to know that God is moving. We are recognizing His presence even during the most unplanned moments. Listen to why a man started crying in the middle of the road.

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